Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Corn Patties

Fresh frozen corn is used for making corn patties.


1. Sweet Corn – 2 cups (no need to boil)
2. Putnalu pappu (roasted gram) -- 3/4cup
3. Jeera (cumin) -- 1/2 teaspoon
4. Green chilies -- 4-5 no
5. Chili sauce -- 1 teaspoon
6. Salt to taste
7. Coriander -- 5 strings
8. Maida (all purpose flour) -- 2 table spoons
9. Masala paste -- 1½ teaspoon
10. Oil as and when required

Method of preparation

1. First grind the putnalu pappu (roasted gram), jeera and chilies chopped into small pieces with enough salt and 3 coriander strings into powder (fine powder is not required).

2. To this powder add the chili sauce, masala paste and sweet corn and grind again.

3. Do not add any water as it does not have to be a fine paste.

4. Add chopped cilantro and mix well.

5. Use a medium sized non-stick pan and heat it and add 4 teaspoons of oil each time you are make a round of patties.

6. When the oil is hot spread it on completely and start making patties.

7. Take a tea spoon full of the Pattie dough and spread on the pan in the shape of small patties. You can spread like 5-6 patties in one round. Do not burn them as they may change the taste too.

Note: You can also deep fry them in oil like vadas.

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